@stuckinarut2 My father told me that the brother delivering the public talk shot up like a rocket from the impact. He's the same brother who married my folks. And to this day, one of my older brothers works for him. That brother still walks with a limp, nearly four decades later :(.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Kingdom Hall shot up in Washington state
by Crazyguy ina kingdom hall near a small community called yelm was shot up.
yelm is where two kingdom halls where set on fire about a month ago.
i think someone, exjw, in that area is really pissed off..
"Demons" Living In My Brothers Gym Equipment
by pale.emperor inspoke to my younger brother dan yesterday (he da'd about 6 months ago).
he was telling me that he got a visit from our older brother the day before.
our older brother was raised a jw but never committed, lives a full-on "worldly" life - smokes, binge drinks, hangs out with non-jws, but he's been studying for about 6 years would you believe?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Dan should have said he'd throw in some free pre-workout with the weights:
by new boy ini don't really have an opinion on the them one way or another.. when i was growing up the only place you saw them were on old ex military guys.
they had eagles with american flags or a heart with a knife through it.
some were so old and faded out you didn't know what they were supposed represent anymore.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@punkofnice *clinks glass with yours* To destiny. And some forlorn-looking pillows.
As for the 'C' word on your shoulder, I can't think of anything more crass that having Cult tattooed onto my body.
Kingdom Hall shot up in Washington state
by Crazyguy ina kingdom hall near a small community called yelm was shot up.
yelm is where two kingdom halls where set on fire about a month ago.
i think someone, exjw, in that area is really pissed off..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Thanks for the link, @punkofnice. Check this quote out:
"Lynam says the shooting incident has not rattled his faith, though he does have a message for those who are responsible. 'As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we look to God’s kingdom to change the effects of what’s happening today… they really need to think about what they’re doing and they can be forgiven as long as they repent from what they’re doing.'"
Good job, shooter. Siege mentality is precisely what unites people. Whether it's a nation struck by terror, or a minority cult that's wronged you.
Suicide in the spiritual paradise all too common
by doubtfull1799 injust heard that a young brother committed suicide this week - the whole congregation is naturally very distressed.
what a tragedy.
according to my source he'd only been married about a year and his wife found him - he’d hung himself.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@stuckinarut2 I saw a therapist for SIX YEARS when dealing with some self destructive behavior that started after some trauma I suffered at the hands of some elders as a 17 year old. NEVER ONCE did I EVER tell my therapist that I was a Jehovah's Witness. I was too concerned about protecting the cult! What if she thought bad of Jehovah's Witnesses after hearing all the grotesque thoughts and actions I was carrying out?! Why, that would prevent her from one day becoming a Witness!
That therapist was unable to help me. Fortunately, I managed to turn that ship around a few years later before resorting to the shipwreck of suicide - an option I was dangerously close to resorting to at that time. I'm so saddened that this brother didn't have the outlet of saying what was really wrong. Secrets tend to bury us further than the physical grave :(.
by new boy ini don't really have an opinion on the them one way or another.. when i was growing up the only place you saw them were on old ex military guys.
they had eagles with american flags or a heart with a knife through it.
some were so old and faded out you didn't know what they were supposed represent anymore.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@new boy: "...her giant Koi fish swimming down her back towards her tramp stamp will look quite different in a few years."
Damn straight. That koi fish on her back will look like a can of tuna on her ankle by the time she hits old age.
@punkofnice: "I might change my mind and regret having it."
Same. Maybe this all smacks of commitment issues. You single too? Lol. I've gotten up in the middle of a haircut once. I can't imagine trying to commit to permanent ink.
Kingdom Hall shot up in Washington state
by Crazyguy ina kingdom hall near a small community called yelm was shot up.
yelm is where two kingdom halls where set on fire about a month ago.
i think someone, exjw, in that area is really pissed off..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Crazyguy Do you know if the criminal who did this has been punished accordingly? This is devastating and my heart really does go out to all those traumatized by these local acts of terror.
Even elders don’t know their beliefs
by Addison0998 ini had a deep conversation with my elder father today about the bible.
first i talked to him about luke 16:19-31. the one where jesus makes this crazy illustration regarding the afterlife.
of course he had to look it up on the watchtower library to be spoon fed his beliefs.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@hybridous: "If the WT Society directed that JWs believe the moon is made of candy, there we go...it's about adherence to the authority."
You're absolutely right. Unfortunately, the Watchtower hierarchy has created and demanded a culture where its followers no longer respect what is true over what those authority say, but rather choose to venerate those in authority over what is truth. This is a toxic dictatorship that has led to grown people (such as @Addison0998's father) to engage in dismissive, infant-like thought patterns ("more evidence [will come] later").
I did notice, Addison, that your father remarked that we need to trust the Bible over "those other people" (historians). You could definitely find multiple articles online demonstrating that the scriptures are most certainly in accord with the 587BCE date. It's actually the Watchtower that has defected from what the Bible says. Hope this helps.
I went to this elders home this morning ready for war, just like I said I would
by JunkYardDog ini knocked on his door with 2 bibles and a 1984 wt bound volume in hand.
i was ready for war!
he surprised me and invited me in.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
One hour later...
I went to this elders home this morning ready for war, just like I said I would
by JunkYardDog ini knocked on his door with 2 bibles and a 1984 wt bound volume in hand.
i was ready for war!
he surprised me and invited me in.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Nathan Natas This has nothing to do with @JunkYardDog's counter witnessing. It has everything to do with his lashing out at @Dubstepped. JYD can deliver a verbal battery of weapons against our common enemy, WT, as often as he likes. But making low blow shots at a fellow poster who was only trying to help is what prompted the ensuing satire.